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Service Times & Events

Sukkot 2023
Chag Sameach! 🍋🎋ושמחת בחגך והיית אך שמח

Hoshanna Rabba, Shabbos Shmini Atzeres, and Simchas Torah 5784 Oct. 6-8

Candlelighting 6:12pm
Mincha 6:15pm
Very Quick Hakkafos after Maariv
Tisch 8:30pm
in the Sukkah of Effie & Erica Markovitz, 1350 Dickerson

Shabbos, Shmini Atzeres
Chassidus on Shmini&Simchas 8:30am
Shacharis 9:15am
Yizkor not before 10:45am
Kiddush following Mussaf

Kiddush is sponsored by Ginny & Yaakov Kafka in memory of Ginny’s father, Reuven ben Aahron, on the occasion of his yartzeit. May his neshama have an aliya.

Mincha 6:00pm
[Followed by Third Meal/Pre-ST 🎉🥃Farbrengen]
Maariv and Simchas Torah Hakafos 7:25pm

Sunday, Simchas Torah
Shacharis 9:15am
Hakafos, Finishing (and Restarting!) the Torah, Mussaf followed by Communal Seudas Chag
Please RSVP and join!!

*Simchat Torah lunch co-sponsored by Rivkie & Rabbi Effy Unterman in honor of Klal Yisrael finishing another cycle of shnayim Mikra ve-echad targum (learning Chumash with Rashi), and in honor of Refael finishing Pirkei Avos and Mishnah Shabbos this summer. Mazel tov!

Also cosponsored by Sharone & Jonathan Bloom in honor of the Torah! :)*

Mincha 6:15pm
Niggunim and Divrei Torah

Maariv 7:10pm

Yomtov ends 7:12pm

Times for Lev Ladaas Teaneck

Service Times & Events: Sukkot 2023 | Lev Le'Daas Teaneck