Rav Shmuel Braun, the founding rabbi of Lev LeDa’as, is a celebrated teacher, mentor, and lecturer. He has a remarkable ability to make profound Jewish mystical concepts accessible to students of all backgrounds and knowledge levels.
Rav Braun’s educational journey took him to prestigious institutions, including the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, the Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem under the tutelage of Reb Meir Soloveitchik z”l, and other institutions affiliated with Yeshiva University, Munkatch, and Chabad. His unique approach blends Torah scholarship with a progressive and inclusive style that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
His teaching encompasses a wide spectrum of subjects, from Kabbalah and Chassidism to Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, and even Pop Culture. Through this diverse range of topics, he enriches the lives of his followers worldwide.
In addition to his role as the founding rabbi of Lev Le’Daas, Rabbi Braun also serves as the Rabbi and Jewish Chaplain of Overlook Medical Center. If you’re interested in his daily learning WhatsApp group or accessing his shiurim, you can find them at www.rabbishmuelbraun.com.